Run your workloadswith scale.

Build, ship, and scale your project with our robust computing infrastructure.

No overhead, no lock-in.

You have the right to choose your own cloud provider. Choose between AWS, Akamai (Linode), or bring your own.

Deployment Time1.71s (on avg)
Compute Regions26+

Built to be Resilient

Our infrastructure is designed to be multi-region fault-tolerant, and historically, we have provided uptime of up to 99.99%.

Anycast Network

Route closest to your users.

With our anycast network, our regional load balancers can redirect your users to your closest servers, reducing latency by 70%.

Distributed Computing
Storage Bucket

Distributed `S3` like storage.

Store, stream videos, files, sensitive data, and much more. You own your data; all of it is disk encrypted and only available to you via your key pairs.

S3 Storage

Globally distributed.

~17ms peak response.

Speed is crucial.

Built on modern technology to handle any amount of traffic, with automatic failover and with 26 compute regions to serve your users.

Trying to make an impact?